Supriya Chanda

Supriya Chanda

Research Scholar (2018-2024)

Indian Institue of Technology (BHU), Varanasi


Dr. Supriya Chanda (pronounced Supriyo) completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT (BHU), Varanasi, where he conducted his research under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Sukomal Pal at the Information Retrieval Lab. His research expertise lies in Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Text Processing on Code-Mixed Data, with a particular focus on low-resource languages and Large Language Models (LLMs).

Dr. Chanda’s work has a strong emphasis on Information Retrieval for Indian languages in code-mixed settings, making significant contributions to this underexplored area. He is also deeply invested in applying cutting-edge machine learning and deep learning techniques to socially impactful tasks such as hate speech detection, sarcasm detection, and sentiment analysis on multilingual social media data.

Beyond his technical expertise, Dr. Chanda is passionate about application-oriented research, particularly in the intersection of NLP and IR, aiming to address real-world challenges. His scholarly contributions have been published in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals and presented at leading international conference. In addition to his research publications, he has co-authored two book chapters, further cementing his place as an influential voice in the field.

  • Information Retrieval
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Low-resource Language
  • Text Processing on Code-Mixed Data
  • Large Language Model
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2024

    Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi

  • M.Tech. in Computer Science, 2018

    University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad

  • M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2016

    Pondicherry University, Pondicherry

  • B.Sc. in Computer Science, 2014

    Midnapore College, West Bengal

Recent Publications


Code-Mixed Information Retrieval
Code-mixing, the mixing of lexical items and grammatical features from multiple languages in a single sentence, is prevalent worldwide. With the rise of online social networking, many users converse in their native languages using foreign scripts.
Code-Mixed Information Retrieval
Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis on code-mixed text is essential for understanding user opinions, particularly in regions where people frequently switch between languages in their conversations. Traditional sentiment analysis models face difficulty in handling such data due to the complexity introduced by the mixture of languages and the lack of large labeled datasets.
Code-Mixed Sentiment Analysis
Hate Speech Identification in Code-Mixed Data
Hate speech identification in code-mixed text is a challenging but necessary task given the rise of harmful content on social media platforms. The goal of this project was to detect and classify hate speech in code-mixed social media conversations, which often involve multiple languages within a single text.
Hate Speech Identification in Code-Mixed Data
Sarcasm Detection in Code-Mixed Data
Sarcasm detection in code-mixed text is a particularly challenging task because sarcasm relies heavily on context, tone, and often spans multiple languages within a single sentence. This project aimed to develop a model that could accurately detect sarcasm in code-mixed social media text.
Sarcasm Detection in Code-Mixed Data
Word-level Language Identification in Code-Mixed Data
Code-mixed word-level language identification is crucial for accurately tagging the language of each word in a sentence, especially in multilingual social media text. The primary challenge in this task arises from the mixing of languages within a single sentence, script variations, and the phonetic spelling of words.
Word-level Language Identification in Code-Mixed Data


Banaras Hindu University
June 2023 – December 2024 Varanasi, India

Associated with teaching of B.Tech classes (Food Technology & Dairy Technology) in the Department of Dairy Science and Food Technology. The subjects are following:

  • FT-124: Computer Programming and Data Structure
  • DT-319: ICT in Dairy Industry
  • BDT-116: Agricultural Informatics and Artificial Intelligence
  • DT-118: Computer & Application Software Packages
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi
Research Scholar (Ph.D.)
July 2018 – October 2024 Varanasi, India

Serve as Teaching Assistant (TA) for the following Courses:

  • CSE-363 (UG) / CSE-541 (PG): Information Retrieval
  • CSO-101 (UG): Computer Programming

In research, the broad area was text processing on Code-Mixed data. So, work on the following topics related to Code-Mixing:

  • Word-level Language Identification in Code-Mixed Data
  • Sentiment Analysis on Dravidian Code-Mixed Data
  • Identification of Conversational Hate-Speech in Code-Mixed Languages
  • Code-Mixed Information Retrieval

Associated with mentoring UG students in their Exploratory Project:

  • Build a novel e-Learning technique through literature reading (Android / iOS Application)

Serve as Departmental Trainning and Placement Representive (TPR)

University of Hyderabad
M.Tech Research Scholar
July 2016 – May 2018 Hyderabad, India

Serve as Teaching Assistant (TA) for the following Course:

  • Introduction of Algorithm

In research, the broad area was Cryptography. So, work on the following topic related to Homomorphic Encryption:

  • Faster and secure fingerprint authentication using NTRU, an application of homomorphic encryption
Pondicherry University
M.Sc project
August 2014 – June 2016 Puducherry, India

As a M.Sc project, built a web based application of Geocoding Spatial Query in Real Estate using Google map:

  • It was a real estate portal for buyers and sellers who want to invest in the real estate business
  • The system had a database application that facilitates all the users (only two types of users are there) of the system to interact with them and to view the information as per user requirements
  • Used Google API to find the nearest location based on a particular location point (latitude and longitude value)

Recent News!

In collaboration with FIRE 2024, we are pleased to announce the call for participation for CMIR-2024, a shared task dedicated to information retrieval from code-mixed social media data.

Recent & Upcoming Talks

LaTex Hands-on Workshop
I present a demonstration of how to use LaTeX for academic writting.
LaTex Hands-on Workshop
I present a demonstration of how to use LaTeX for academic writting.


Natural lanuage processing
Social media data analytics
Python, C, PyTorch
